Buy it n break it – Smash Wall
What Is Smash Wall?
A place to purchase glass items to throw at the wall or floor to break them. Kinda like a rage room but NO WEAPONS Are Used NO bats, pipes, etc.
What do you do?
Purchase your favorite package and/or Add-Ons, obtain and wear safety gear, and throw your items/add-ons like you mean it. It’s simple yet satisfying.
Is Sharing Packages Allowed?
Yes, every package comes with 1 set of safety gear, all other people who want to throw will need to rent safety gear ($2).
How old do you have to be?
All ages are welcome however everyone must be above 3 ½ft tall (36”), and anyone under 18 needs a parent/guardian signature.
What’s the Purpose?
Helps with stress, and anger, it is also satisfying, and fun.

Packages of items from $10+tax to $55+tax (each comes with 1 safety gear)
Add-ons from $2+tax to $10+tax (Add-ons do not come with safety gear)
Best Part! You, your friends and family, co-workers, kids, and anyone else you throw with can shatter away and leave the mess for us!